cthu1hu 2007-06-17 05:48 uh. have you seen the plugins list? silly argument.
Phalanx 2007-06-17 03:39 Now now, no need to get rude, it was a simple question. Alot of these styles look as if they are out of the 80s. SOME look good I admit, alot looks terrible and personally I fail to see how you get more functionality out of BB than you do with Explorer.
crowmag 2007-06-16 22:10 Someone else lives in a cave ??? - ew, that one must be a Neanderthal
mini-man 2007-06-16 14:37 Attack of the ignorant!
thewayofzen 2007-06-16 12:40 @phalanx : lets see you drop some of your work and so those of us who need the help know what DOESNT look like crap... oh.. and fuck you.
iTiVO 2007-06-16 12:16 Great point you made there. Now hush, back into your cave.
Phalanx 2007-06-16 12:12 Why do people use *box on Windows? Most of the styles look so crap...
mini-man 2007-06-16 08:57 Dunno, iTiVo, I don't think there is one unless there's a plugin specific broam to read settings. Maybe try @BBCore.toggleplugins twice in a row?
Tres`ni 2007-06-15 23:24 Been six months since the last style pack, guess I better makes me a new one ;)
iTiVO 2007-06-15 16:08 What would be the bro@m for reloading a plugin (e.g. bbsysmon)?