cthu1hu 2007-09-26 11:53 you set your margins in extensions.rc
iTiVO 2007-09-26 10:47 When i maximize my windows they cover the sysbarex. Any1 has a clue how to fix that? (I switched from leanbar to sysbarex)
blockhead 2007-09-23 07:18 cyeh: I have been posting 0.7 styles for over a year now. :)
cyeh 2007-09-23 01:02 are people posting 0.7 styles yet? i like a lot of your styles... but i can't use them!
Poison [BLX] 2007-09-22 17:34 Oh I wasn't blaming it on bb, bb rocks :D ... I was actually just assuming it was my fault from the wrong direction (I cut a lot out of this win2k install lol
spree 2007-09-22 17:22 knew it couldn't be bb's fault ;) yeah, can't live without rollup
Poison [BLX] 2007-09-22 16:50 DOH! ... ok, I'm a moron :D ... I thought it was something missing in my install, when actually it was just Jetico Personal Firewall blocking bbleanskin from writing to the memory spaces of the other processes (and I didn't have my default "reject" rule logging so I didn't see the problem :( )
Thanks for the help!
Poison [BLX] 2007-09-22 16:31 Yes (just grabbed it and tried) but still the same, it loads, its options work perfectly, it just doesn't actually have any effect on any windows, current or new lol ... bbwincolors works perfectly for the rest of the window, but I don't have my happy rollup capability from bbleanskin I'm so addicted to :P (fluxbox creates bad habits :D)
spree 2007-09-22 16:24 can you run shellwm?
Poison [BLX] 2007-09-22 16:22 It loads fine, that's the weird part, it just doesn't actually skin anything