crowmag 2008-01-25 20:11 To make a confession, I actually have not had an alcoholic drink in over a year and have severly cut back my consumption of it for the last several years - under my doctor's advice. Honestly, I don't miss it alot. Just don't get me thinking about a dark, rich, creamy, flavorful Guinness Stout DOAH!... too late :(
mini-man 2008-01-25 19:32 Lolz. I'll stick with ginger ale, thanks.
crowmag 2008-01-25 19:31 Yes, pure ethanol is like 200 proof spirits. Ever heard of denatured alcohol sold as solvent? That's ethanol too .But, the denatured part is the catch. They purposely make it poisonous so people can't drink it (the tax you see). They do the same thing to the fuel. Doesn't stop the Sterno crowd tho... All spirits such as rum, whiskey, vodka contain ethyl alcohol.
cthu1hu 2008-01-25 19:03 you can drink ethanol?
mini-man 2008-01-25 19:00 o_O
crowmag 2008-01-25 16:18 Of coarse... but then, from my experience, requiring a 'drinking permit' might not be such a bad idea. **no, I'm not really serious** :P
mini-man 2008-01-25 10:10 I'm about a year away (technically I can get a permit, but I want to finish school first). For driving of course. :P
crowmag 2008-01-25 08:23 **chuckle** I take it you neither drink or drive /\/\inimal :)
mini-man 2008-01-25 05:53 ._.
crowmag 2008-01-25 02:27 ... and it makes one heck of a mojito too !