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2008-01-28 12:56
I never even tried a cigarette :D

2008-01-28 11:01
i quit in 2001 with the patches. very grueling

2008-01-28 10:57
wellbutrin worked for my mom and she was a heavy smoker all her life. (read: miracle drug)

2008-01-28 04:53
heh, been there... and not so long ago. Now, I'm a designated driver and it's kinda fun messing with ppl who can't defend themselves so it's not completely w\o some recreation :P Next up is tobacco, I've been smokin' Bugler so as to cut back and so far it's working... saving a ton of $ too. Just can't seem to quit completely even tho I know it'll pr'bly kill me - I'm and an addict :(

2008-01-27 20:14
I'm not supposed to be drinking at all due to my various "conditions" ;) All my spare money goes to beer though

2008-01-26 08:04
Hey... does anyone know if they make a NA version of Guinness? **ducks** Please, don't throw stones - I was just kidding :P

2008-01-26 00:36
I'm actually wearing a guiness shirt right now, what a coincidence. Did i mention my university has 2 breweries? :D + german beer is the best anyways :P

2008-01-25 22:14
well, crowmag, study after study shows how good a beer or glass of wine a day is for you ;)

2008-01-25 22:11
guinness ftw

2008-01-25 22:07
just saw on my local news, they're building the largest ethanol plant in the country close to where I live. And it's the kind from the article (non-food)

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