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RokuPlayer :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
This style is based on, and I can't remember exactly if it's the player or it's website.. Anywho.. I've finally gotten more of bbiTunes working. Count down timers and partially the timer on the slider :D. I've moved the info area back to bbsysmonPlus to get a more uniform look... I have a few more option buttons to do as well.. then it will be ready for release ... hehe 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style RokuPlayer 
Wallpaper LineFracture 

shawan I love the wall and the style, especially the turquoise border around the toolbar's buttons :)
Nightbreed Thanks Shawan :)
qwilk As far as I can tell/remember this is your best one yet, but then again you have 87 styles (I counted!) here on boxshots, so I may be wrong... ;) ...a download btw?
Nightbreed thanks Qwilk.. ggeeeze 87?... I'll post it in lost in the box :D
Pitkon Simple and elegant! :D
Nightbreed Thanks much Pete :D The style is here: link
clovemagic This is especially nice, Gary.
Nightbreed Thank you much Clove :D
qwilk Gary: I noted that the style is using menu.hilite, it should be since you're using 0.70 syntax. And how do you get the menu titles so small when the fontHeights are set to 17 and 15, respectively? bbLean global font overrides?
Nightbreed Thanks Qwilk, I totally forgot about The menus in lostinthe box are set with fonts.. I only did that for people who wanted fonts in their menu titles... For personal stuff.. I use the TN Blank fonts in global and set the menu height to 3. The fonts are posted in the forum, but I'm having difficulty getting in
jimmy wow, Great style... =)
Nightbreed thanks Jimmy
cthu1hu All you gotta do to get the same result with the menu title is set the font to 1. No special font needed.
Nightbreed I still want to have enough of the title to move the menu around....
cthu1hu It looks identical to your screenshot. Haven't you seen WinT's screenshots? He's been doing it for a while link
Nightbreed Yeah I know, I've seen the screenies :D I've been using the no font thing, although not on menus but on window titlebars,.. I have a few screenshots floating around here showing that... WinT made an inquirey as to the fonts and methods I use on my menus a few days ago... Besides, my use of no fonts or no title text came as a result of a forum question here link
Nightbreed I can't remember exactly where he stated his method on the menu.. but using TN Blank and bblean's global font methods can still result in title text being displayed, this is why I use TN Blank =)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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