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Enter 2006 :: Pitkon User Pitkon
This is what I would like to see for Blackbox in 2006.... A BBI with rounded edges... GTK themes for windows... Bitmaps a la Fluxbox... Gkrellm applications... New syntax for all elements, including the slit... Drop shadows for windows and menus... This screeen is what I want from Santa Klaus this year... And... hmmmm... I'm sure he is listening... Have a VERY Happy New Year, all of u! And wish with me, as hard as u can... Some people listen... 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Enter by pitkon (,,
Wallpaper Old dangeruss' site logo with bsetroot manips 

qwilk the menu hilite #461130 border displayed using bbLean? IMHO it should be displayed if borderWidth is specified, regardless if the "border" appearance tag is used or not. What do you think?
Pitkon U hava a good eye for details, as usual, browsing the style file :) However, my style files are templates. Border #461130 was meant for another style. I change colors each time I author a new style and if I don't want any borders I just delete "border" from the description. U must have noticed there is no "border" mentioned in the menu.hilite line. This could be done ur way, too. I mean anyone could simply check out the borderWidth line if they want no border. And, yes, I think this would be a simpler way to do it. Are u adding new style commands? While u r at it, a borderColor/borderCo
lorTo would be a good idea... More creative options... :) See what I mean, folks? Some people DO listen :D
Nightbreed If I'm not mistaken border width per element is specified during the appearance tag. If border is added but not defined it takes on whatever the default the style calls. Same with border color. But if border is ommited from the definition it's not used.
Nightbreed Interesting but nice mix of theming components Pete. Kinda looks like a stereo I had a while back.. :D
Pitkon Lol... Thanx, Gary... And u r right about the border thingie... :D
silverspider :wow: I want one too :) - thats brilliant Pete xx
Pitkon Pleasure, Gilly :)

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