snkmchnb 2025-03-15 14:21
Hey Tres`ni, if you see this hit me up.
Lich 2025-03-14 17:04
what happened to blackbox4windows website?
ClockworkBastard 2025-03-10 07:26
Just testing the BBCodes...
My gosh... I even never really used it, and now, in y2025... The girls I want... Never heard of it. That is sux :)
h3kt0r 2025-02-01 05:12
Greetings ! Just uploaded my first style : Jimi H
thewayofzen 2025-01-29 14:51
its been quite some time friends. if any of the old crew is around you can find me on insta, x or wtv as neverwasteddays hope all are well
ninfy 2025-01-26 03:26
wow blackbox4windows is downed but this site still up
jqi 2025-01-20 21:41 main screen turn on
ClockworkBastard 2025-01-02 11:00
Happy New YEAR! TO EVERYONE!!! Oh and a couple of christmases
junkie 2024-11-22 10:16
hey boxorz! glad to see this site is still up and running. switched to mac a long time ago but cherish my boxing days for always. cheers!