

Styles Packs


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New Styles Pack 2007-01-15 00:22:51
It's only been 3 months between updates this time, not bad eh? ;-P You may be wondering why there isn't a higher number of styles this time around. I added some file hashing to my zip generation routine in order to pull out duplicates. This means those .1, .2, .3, etc files are actually in some way unique.. Agian, if you are a style artist going by multiple aliases and want your styles grouped, or you know I have a style attributed to the wrong artist please let me know!
Comments: 4   by: Tresni

bbLean 1.16z becomes BBClean 2007-01-14 23:10:02
Rewritten with new futures we have BBClean, a lot of new features and candy to play with. If you were playing with bbLean 1.16z or the bblean_mod you should probably check this out. Contains the most wanted features of both (including volume control in the menu) and is under active development. A big hand to Zeytok for the release!
Comments: 2   by: Tresni

Plugins 2007-01-14 22:59:57
BBOnWorkspaceChange - Carsomyr's newest plugin "allows you to register bro@ms to be sent on leaving or entering a specific workspace. You could use this to show/hide BBInterface elements on specific workspaces or anything else you can do with bro@ms. "

BBSocket 0.0.5 - Updated BBSocket with new and multiple binding options and no longer crashing xoblite! w00t w00t!
Comments: 0   by: Tresni

A slough of updates 2006-12-23 09:57:17

Where to start, where to start.

BBSocket, a new plugin in the works that allows sending broams to BB shells via TCP (ie. over the internet.) The port is user customizable via a rc setting. Currently can send broams or access GetBBVersion() and GetOSInfo() core functions.

Downloads here as well as discussion.

bbLeanMod has some updates from nocd5.

BBLeanMod, BBLeanBarMod, bbMemLimiter, and bbWheelHook have all been updated. Also a mod of bbMemLimiter by yours truly is posted. Updates and Downloads start here.

Comments: 4   by: Tres`ni

BBBinary 0.0.1 2006-12-18 20:52:25
Welcome a new plugin developer and new plugin! Djon released BBBinary a couple days ago (I'm slackin) on the forums. He wants feedback so he can continue his quest as a plugin developer. So check out the plugin at this post and give it a whirl!
Comments: 0   by: Tresni

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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