User |
Inauro |
Notes |
Artwork by Mike "Gabriel" Krahulik. Catch more of Cardboard Tube Samurai and his adventures at www.penny-arcade.com.
Obviously somewhat derivative of the Memory style i did a while back. Still, it's different enough to call it a new style i guess. And hey, it's not white ^_^ |
Shell |
Style |
Wandering by Inauro |
Wallpaper |
Untitled |
Nice! (however, you seem to have entered a few tabs after the toolbar.font setting, which messes up font parsing for at least xoblite and probably also bb4win, as they read the *entire* argument as a string...) |
Really nice! id like to see the beige color make it onto the toolbar though. |
Interesting. Is it only the toolbar.font setting that does that, or is it common to all the font settings? I've checked it under BB4Win and it seems ok, although admittedly Nu and Mints-strong are very similar aside from size so it is difficult to be sure.
Auto: i can do the beige colour on the taskbar, no sweat. I'll upload a remix ASAP. |
the tabs shouldnt be a problem at all... i use tabs too to line everything up nicely, and havent had any issues... |
NC-17: that's exactly the reason in space my styles out with tabs as well. In fact, i go as far as to separate the Focused Window and the Unfocused Window settings so that they're easier to read. I'm a little saddened to think it might affect Xoblite users.
Auto: i uploaded the remix version, but it has yet to appear. Perhaps it got kicked for being to similar and too soon after the initial upload, hence being mistaken for a double post. |