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Scission :: Inauro User Inauro
Background image by Beans Magic available from and

Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Scission by Inauro
Wallpaper Untitled 

Inauro I see that my inattention to detail has stuck again. The line in the style that reads: window.button.focus:
Texture or ParentRelative Should of course be: window.button.focus:
ParentRelative It doesn't affect the style, but for those that prefer tidiness, go ahead and edit it ^^
El`Critic love the colors, love the pretty girlie too, nice done, i lil too white i think, but nice
sicle9 what do you mean by Texture? as an option?
Inauro sicle9: not exactly. The line in the style file that defines the window button parameter should be ParentRelative, instead it reads something like 'Texture or ParentRelative". Just remove the 'Texture or' to get the intended style. It doesn't actually affect the appearance of the style as it defaults to ParentRelative anyway.
Inauro [b]El'Critic[/bl}: oh, btw, she's artificial. The Splutterfish site is the home of the Brazil rendering system. Congratulations on being yet another to fall for an artificial girl. I know i did ^^.
Cynd When you surround yourself with fake girls all day you think you'd be able to spot one Ina =o Really like the colors you used but I have to agree it's a bit too white.
Inauro Heh, nice to see you posting, Cynd. Yah it is very white, but whaddya gonna do when the image is white and doesn't really look good on a gradient or anything else? Good for rooms with a lot of glare on the mine.
Pitkon Whitish or not, attention should not be drawn away from the style which is VERY good.

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