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« Next | mad cow by meanmechanics | Prev »
mad cow :: meanmechanics User meanmechanics
I was going to write a longer comment but due to database insertion etc...this is a pure useless style in the folder nostalgia 80386 ms windows 
Shell BBLCBBLean
Style Classical goodness 231 by

qwilk Interesting... but iirc the blue background was introduced with Windows 2000? (Windows 95/98 having that fugly green-turquoise colour as default)
meanmechanics You are absolutely right!I was looking for the clouds booting screen and I stumble upon this wp.I really thought it was a 95 wp.... even though I never saw it on my old 386 Photoshop :-(
cthu1hu whats going on in paradise meanmechanics?
meanmechanics Everything is upside down.
meanmechanics and i cant even post one of neurotic comment full of syntax and grammatical errors!
cthu1hu Im pretty sure you get mysql errors with apostrophes or some other punctuation.
meanmechanics I,m sure tooi but I,m a total retard on mysql...

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