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doctorfrog |
Notes |
Work in progress here. Selecting colors is always a struggle for me for some reason. I'm needlessly plagued with doubts and took about four hours or more just picking base colors and gradients for the bbleanbar shown. ARRRRGH.
So here's my workflow:
1) Be inspired by a color, perhaps on a wallpaper. Then, THROW THE WALLPAPER AWAY.
2) Create a no-talent wallpaper based entirely on the color. (in this case, a kuler palette based on the original color, pasted into Gimp and slathered in Script-Fu filters.)
3) Then, starting with a blank style, figure out a texture you want to evoke with your gradients (I'm going for a worn-metal/anodized aluminum finish) and attempt
4) Agonize pointlessly on what colors will go with your selected color (this is the hardest part in the whole world). You must do this because monotone styles are boring as all hell and too easy to whip out.
5) Finish the damn style already. Create a good 3DCC. Agonize over 3DCC settings as well.
6) Release the style freely into the wild and hope they are appreciated and maybe even used. Browse others' styles and feel humbled and basically colorblind by comparison.
7) Repeat about every 4 months. |
Shell |
Style |
Wallpaper |
It's a nice style and I like the wall, although IMO it's a little bright. Making styles is fun and rewarding, even though it's frustrating at times. I usually just stumble on something that I think is interesting, and then I add to it by asking myself "does this element add significantly to the style overall?" If not, I don't use it. Or I'll ask "does this element detract from what makes the other elements work?" (or steal their thunder, in other words). If that doesn't work, I'll take a screenshot of the style, and add color and difference layers above it in photoshop, to see if a unique/usable color scheme emerges. I'm also very OCD with colors, and my schemes have to follow color theory... Not trying to come off as if I think I'm a pro, or that my styles are all that great. It's an interesting subject, though ;) |
I'm actually quite a bit like that myself, in how I have to keep trimming back on pretty things and use color-shifting tools. I keep having to tear myself away from color theory rules and online color mixing tools and just let myself play with sliders and hexes. (I'm actually writing myself a very small reference book on color theory that I can refer to instead.) However, the challenge really is balancing theory with 'ooh pretty' and trying to let go of doubt at the same time. Over time, I hope to develop an intuition for such things, but until then, it's sweat and blood (and trying not to take a textfile filled with hex values too seriously).
As for the wallpaper, I'm deliberately going for brightness because it's usually something I avoid. When I finally release the style(s), it'll come with a standalone bsetroot command that will in all likelihood be quite a bit dimmer and less saturated. |
I'm diagnosed with severe OCD. Before the days of bbstylemaker, the actual hex code for each element in my styles had to relate to each other, whether pseudo-mathematically or otherwise. Man, was that horrible. I'm so glad now that I don't have to see the hex.. I should say that, my knowledge of color theory is fairly limited, and I usually go with what color lies on the opposite end of the color wheel, and other simple relationships. Agreed though, with your points. |
I think I can see what you mean about hexes, since there is a relationship between the bases of these numbers and pleasing combinations of color. There's a sense of uncovering a secret code when delving into these, almost like the hallucinations of the main character in A Beautiful Mind. I run into issues when I perform a recolor of an existing style, I spend way too long ensuring that the color and size metrics of each style correspond precisely from one style to the next. At any rate, I'm thankful and dependent on grishka's bbstylemaker, and surprisingly, the addition of hue, saturation, and luminance adjustments makes playing with color so much easier. |
Didn't know that the hue/saturation was there. Very cool. |
I just realized that this style is starting to resemble the an Earth Alliance uniform from Babylon 5. Now I want to see the show again. |