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TWM on Windows XP-ArchLinux :: math0ne User math0ne
More cucumber here: link  
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Mod of celadore 
Wallpaper Flora Nine by ~Delta909 

cthu1hu That is a lot of win right there. And nice, easy on the eyes color themes on your editors and prompts. Hats off to you.
math0ne Thanks! Does anyone know why the word information was changed to cucumber in my description... seems odd...
jarppi Admins like cucumber. That must be it.
cthu1hu It happens here all the time. It's a mod keeping things interesting.
math0ne Well, I suppose that is interesting... It did make me comment!
hedsaw Hello, I'll be upfront on this... Requests: -leanbar config (workspace tabs + autohide tasktray?) -bblean style (your modded edition of celadore) -startpage All I can say about this is, FINALLY!!!, I can end my search for the right setup, you have done exactly what I've been looking for (when i had time to look) even got the exact background I've been looking for. I believe you really pulled this off very well for a WIP (as detailed on devart) I can see exactly where its heading. I can't see many problems, only one -apart from the fonts which you know of already- which is on all but the misc workspace, the icons for the apps just distract from your style, use text only mode or desaturate the color of them. BTW, how did you get the mode to change for the misc workspace? and lol @ cucumber... of all things
hedsaw ^ sorry for not correctly formatting the text, didn't realise its not a rich text format.
anon ^ GTFO
god.DLL Awesome++, math0ne! Another ++ for the Arch and NumLock mail indicator idea. wtf spam why
math0ne Thanks for the great comments guys! I'm planning on releasing things when i feel they're polished enough, but it's a slow process. I'm glad you like the numlock idea, I'm planning on releasing it with a C program that checks your email and adjusts it. I've been using it for a long time with samurize but haven't gotten around to bundling it yet. I'll email you a copy of the files i'm using to turn the numlock key on and off, it'll save you some time, if your interested in trying it.
irish i dont get it.. i think my mind just exploded

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