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Mirev4 :: noka User noka
Info in the shot.  
Shell BBLC\BBLean

cthu1hu Hah! Very cool. So this bbwinskin version supports shellwm skins? And you skinned your titlebars with bitmaps?
sexyboy can you explain me the shellwm part? what is that?
noka cthu1hu: yep, thats right. :) sexyboy: theres a plugin called bbwinskin, which allows you to use shellwmskins to skin your blackbox titlebars. with bitmaps. it's a bit buggy, but good fun.
Adam I might give bbwinskin a try. This shot looks pretty awesome - loving the effect on the titlebars! btw, Thievery Corporation are awesome!
sexyboy i downloaded bbwinskin and now how i can make shellwmskins works? please help me
sexyboy i forgot to say that i love your screen, like all your other screens :)
mini-man awesome as always
noka sexyboy: when you load the plugin you get a small box on your desktop, (might be hidden behind your taskbar, so try hiding that if you can't see it), just right click on that and load up the engine as ShellWM, and then load your shellwmskin. fairly easy once you can find that little box that loads with the plugin :)
sexyboy i think that is the problem, i dont find the small box haha. i uses bbclean, maybe this is the problem?
noka no, i do that to. if you cant find it. try opening the .rc and edit that. change the path to where you put the .cey file. and logoff and on, i dont think its enough just reconfiguring.
kowic pimpin´ :)
cthu1hu Winskin 1.21 doesn't show a box on the desktop, and the readme doesn't mention it. What version are you using noka?
noka it says
sexyboy i find 1.1 version and it has the box but when i try to load some skin it shows me an error. I cant make it work
cthu1hu Linkage to this version?
sexyboy i dont remember where i found it so i uploaded here link
kowic I think I found the right one bbwinskin (sth like 1.0) with shellwm support...did not test this but readme include directions to shellwm skins usage, so it should work :D link
cthu1hu I destroyed Vista with a combination of shellwm and bbClean_vistatray ;) Maybe winskin will play nicer, but man, that was a heck of a meltdown.
cthu1hu @kowic: I can't get that version to skin firefox, with either engine.
kowic too bad :(
Kastoob How did u set the fonts inside the explorer window? I cannot seem to change mine : link
cthu1hu @Kastoob: Try displayset .
Kastoob ty cthu1hu, that program is a godsend for non-vs users.

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