User |
mini-man |
Notes |
k, so topbar is a complete rip of random xmonad screenies, if you haven't noticed yet. i'm pretty happy with it, music icon pulls out a amp frame with media buttons, and the volume icon pulls out a volume frame with various bbi sliders for that. hooked craploads of stuff to autohotkey hotkeys. tray is always hidden, hooked to win+t. kthxbai |
Shell |
Style |
verde oscuro |
Wallpaper |
http://mcchaz.deviantart.com/art/Verde-Valle-78161 |
nice. i like the top bar, looks good. i can haz cheezburgr now, plz? |
Glad you're doing darker setups. Nice job. |
xmonad style.. me likes :) |
Thanks all. Cthu, anything else fries my eyes now.. :] |
i like wallpaper, remind StarCraft -> Protoss ).. |
nice style:) |