

Styles Packs


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classic-bb :: necroboi User necroboi
style and buttons ported from the etheme 'classic' by Chris Fofiu
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style classic-bb by necroboi
Wallpaper CVRD by Philipp Shilling @ Desktopography 

TXTR i dont feel those buttons, but that style is ace and desktopography walls are always win, so yeah it has my vote :)
necroboi thanks TXTR :) .. come to think of it, i don't feel those buttons either, lol .. the original theme only had close and iconify buttons, so that was my first attempt at filling out the rest...
mini-man love everything (including buttons) except the font. but great port.
necroboi thx mini-man .. font suggestions? :)
mini-man dunno really :D but that swis font looks a bit jagged to me, so..maybe an artwiz font or something.
auto Nice.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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