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Embolado :: ser VI User ser VI
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Embolado by ser VI
Wallpaper Lamboghini Embolado Concept 

ser VI I think I was embolado this afternoon with nothing to do and so this is the result. I hope you like.
Pitkon I really enjoy the colors. Great work, ser!
Pitkon Embolado? :)
ser VI Sounds to me as boring, but in english from spanish really means embolism (according to BabelFish), you must have heard something like this: somebody gets a pulmonar embolism. I wish I get bored with a Lamborghini concept car, but not get a pulmonar embolism. Embolado sounds in portugues as busy with balls. Is really a strange name for a car, but calls the attention to it, if this matter. Embolado???
ser VI What is the front of the car? Left or Right?
Pitkon Lol/// Left, of course, judging by the mirror.... As for embolism/embolado, it is Greek (as most latin roots are), but it has more to do with medicine than with cars... :D

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