

Styles Packs


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Liquid v2 :: cthu1hu User cthu1hu
I'm just copying style here
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Liquid by Noka (recolor) 

noka lovely :)
mini-man sheer pwnage
TXTR 100/100
Spoofing mm nice. please, share bbleanskin buttons?
sexyboy its perfect! Witch icons are those?
TXTR 3dcc or vs? if vs then please link me to it ;)
cthu1hu Thanks. The icons are by me and it's a 3dc. There's a similar vs (mire v2) but you can't download it anywhere and the people who have it won't give it up.
qwilk Nice! Can I have copies of the style+wallpaper, please? :)
noka cthu1hu : link sorry it took so long to provide the link
cthu1hu Thanks qwilk. Here's the style+3dc+buttons, and here's the wall .
cthu1hu Thanks noka.
akaDark Looks very very nice.I just discovered the blackbox and I am wow. :) Guys can you help my ?What i need to install and configure to load this theme. I got the BlackBox for win but don't know how to and this style. Thanks
akaDark Looks very very nice.I just discovered the blackbox and I am wow. :) Guys can you help my ?What i need to install and configure to load this theme. I got the BlackBox for win but don't know how to and this style. Thanks
akaDark Sorry for the double post. :) cthu1hu can you upload whole theme ? I like so muck. Thanks
noka you should release on custo and devart if you havent planned to do so already =)
noka oh, sorry for posting again, but i ment to ask, is that notepad2? and it the colors on it customizable? it jives very nice... cheers.
cthu1hu @akaDark: Scroll up for the theme. Just put the style in your blackbox/styles directory. @noka: That's greenpad . The colors can be modded but it's limited. Notepad2 seems to be better.. Is custo even operational right now? :/
noka ok, thanks for the link. no, custo isn't. and hasn't been for many days now, which is sad because of the contest which should have been started by now, but it's being moved to instead. so lets hope it's a good one this year, like last year.
akaDark Thanks !! I just figure how it's work long road ahead for my :)
kettcar awesomeness
snkmchnb that's f***in solid!
jarppi Sheer ownage :|
cthu1hu thank ya very much
noka now go upload this for the ssc :)
keel Awesome!!! GJ, cthu1hu!
chungfolk crazy stuff
meridian_blue Studio ready... very tight! =)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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