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Clean Grey :: dpcdpc11 User dpcdpc11
my usual desktop arrangement here... a few days ago i found this wall that i really liked: 'vista grey' and i said why not make a style to fit this wall? and i did... it's a simple grey style to calm the eyes.. perfect for spending your time on the PC at night.
hope u like it! 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style just grey by dpcdpc11
Wallpaper vista grey 

Delano Excellent stuff, dude. I hate Vista but I do admit it looks really pretty and the style is well-suited to Blackbox. Keep it up.
roka This is great! I don't like the wallpaper, but the style is really nice.
dpcdpc11 another vista 'fan' ey? hehehe... not a vista fan also... but i really like this wall... gotta admint the wall goes perfect with the style... i mean i made the style specially for this wall after all... anyway.. glad u like the style bro!
irish so hold the phone, if you run bbLean on a vista OS then it still keeps some of the Vista looks like the glow and shadow effects and stuff?
dpcdpc11 hehehhe... i dont run Vista bro... it's XP here.... vista doesnt affect bbLean... it doesnt give it glow or shadow effects.
irish so that like glossy part and the shadow behind your menu is from??? sorry im such a noob at this ive been using BB for years and i never un covered the mystery to glossy looking walls
dpcdpc11 the glossy wall is probably made in photshop or something mate... and regarding the menu... use bbClean to get the shadow under the menu... and as for the glossy look under the menu is an optical ilusion... the menu is a bit transparent and i've placed it exactly where the gloss in the wall is drawn. u can find bbClean here: link
xundonex @ irish Yup: link link

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