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Mac-nificient :: AeSix Reficul User AeSix Reficul
So, I cheated a bit. Well, it's really a hybrid shell.
This is actually a moshposh of xoblite, RK Launcher and FlyAKiteOSX. All free apps. I plan to possibly add a couple more plugins. A system tray (because things like the battery meter only show in there), a run.../search replacement, and possibly an iTunes interface so I don't have ot have that miniplayer up all the time.

Nightbreed - the windowing theme is a Windows theme, it came with flyakite. You should look into it for your desktop, I've had no problems with it, and I would have to assume it's less memory usage than using a third party windowing engine, which I've always had issues with.
Shell xoblite
Style x-ashes (slightly modified) 
Wallpaper Ascended Melfina 

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