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Calm Blue :: Mugi User Mugi
third theme i've made for blackbox =) (i hope it's not too buggy)

the wallpaper was found via random google usage and went through some rough editing.
dunno who made the original, so im not posting the wallpaper here.

Shell blackbox

cthu1hu nice. what's the winamp skin called?
Mugi it doesn't have a name. i just made it to fit the theme
stripeymonkey Looks nice. How did you make the play/pause etc buttons in BBI?
Mugi the bottombars (and the iconbar in the left) are drawn totally basend on the scrit that resides in my Blackbox rootfolder, i don't actually know what's the real name of the plugin, i've just kept it as core.dll :) it works quite simple, you defite that what it draws and to where, and what color value it uses etc. the button functions that i use are made on bro@ms.
nuro This desktop is the best I've ever seen! I really want that wallpaper. D: Can you please list the plugins you used? Your wallpaper is so too cool!
irish That winamp skin is sweet man, any chance you could email it to me? :-)
NikRokz Wow. Wish you weren't such a snob and explain this awesome desktop.

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