

Styles Packs


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Ying And Yang :: Pitkon User Pitkon
This is a blue style I created some time ago and is not cleared out yet... Waiting for a style section at to upload our styles to... 
Shell blackbox
Style relaxp 
Wallpaper Relaxp 

NC-17 you can upload your styles... there's a field in the submit screenshot page that lets you add one...
Pitkon I know there is such a field, NC-17, but for me screenshots and styles should be under different sections - styles with their wallpapers, icons, or other stuff skinners would like to submit, screenshots being just that - screenies of the moment, suggesting ideas, attracting comments, advice etc. I hope we will see different sections soon - after all, we need a style repository after freeb0rn's site died an inglorious death... lol. Of course, if there is no other way, i will upload my styles in the relative field...
evolve Really Like that you got goin on just wish I could get my bbbin in the slit like everyone else. And isn't freeb0rn's site back up?? maybe I'll give some thought to putting a second e107 install on my server for a style repository ;]
Pitkon Thanx, evolve. As for the slit, r u sure u have the latest bbbin (slittable) version? freeb0rn's site is on/off, mostly off... A pity...
evolve Yup I have the the latest version and tryed everything i know gave up a bit back, I just think it doesn't like me = / .... hmm maybe i will start up another style repository
Pitkon Hey, why don't u send me ur plugins.rc to see if there is something amiss? Sometimes a look from a third party helps, u know. Plus, what shell r u using? What version? I'm fixing things in Litestep (mostly, my mistakes... lol) for about 5 yrs now and sometimes even a small detail, a mispelled word, a comma, can make the difference... A style repository is a must...

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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