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Apple Things 2 :: serVI User serVI
A screen shot of my current desktop

Wallpaper by makrivag [link
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Apple Things by ser VI
Wallpaper Apple, things just works Makrivag(deviantart) 

crowmag The margins in the menu frame are way too spread out for me but I lie the grades and the complete look of the desktop follows a very 'close' theme. Looks good and it's soft on the eyeballs :)
serVI Thanks Crowmag, nice you like it. I lost all my HD with all my BB configs, need to download somethings again.
serVI Yeah, maybe is a litle too big the menu borders, but I like it this way.
iTiVO Nice metallic style, BUT why would you use so many different fonts?
ser VI anorexia & gelly just two standards fonts of BB this is too much?
iTiVO Hey, it's just my opinion, so don't bother if you think differently. But 3 fonts in 1 ss are too much for me, sry.
mikey looks good ser VI. sorry bout the hard drive, ive crashed one myself lately, lost quite a lot of data.
ser VI Ok have the snap font on the menu, but they are all standards.
ser VI To mickey: somebody said I could recover all that, but now I am without money, I need to buy a new HD to pur all that stuff. Next month maybe I'll have all back.
crowmag I have to confess to the multiple crime as well ser VI ;P I use ProggyTinyTTSZ on my toolbar (default used by plugins too), Dungeon on menu and window titlebars, Verdana in my menu frame - And, for bbCalendar, Verdana for the Date font, Arial for the Week font and Dustismo for the Days font (I like the numbers). Yikes! 5 fonts! Bad crowmag, bad crowmag :) BTW sry 2 hear bout the HD - been there...
iTiVO "the multiple crime" lmao!
crowmag :D

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