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Ridge :: cthu1hu User cthu1hu
Port of Thermoptic's "Ranger Ridge" screenshot here .

Style + 3DCC (also in style) + font here
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Ridge 

circa1974 which scarlett johanssen film is that?
cthu1hu No film, just some photoshoot. link
TenPlus1 Very nice style, simple and actuall ypleasing to the eyes considering the background is orange :P
iTiVO That windowskinning looks as if its worth a try! How'd you do it?
cthu1hu With 3DCC, displayset and changing the scrollbar size to 12 in windows' properties. DS theme and font now in zip.
iTiVO Very creative, very nice.
cthu1hu I finally got the file updated at custo, so try the new one, as it's been updated about five time. That's, if you feel compelled to do so..
sMs woa.. DOOM!! :good times playing DOOM:
pkt-zer0 It's Quake, actually. I do love me some good RocketArena-ing. Or plain deathmatch on DM4/3. Yumm... Anyhow. Nice style.
cthu1hu Doom and Quake1: still play them both.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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