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« Next | GSM for Fluxbox by lyrae | Prev »
GSM for Fluxbox :: lyrae User lyrae
Long time no see! Just to show I'm still actively involve in theming. If you want it, it is available at I have been alternating between fluxbox and xfce depending on my moods. The wallpaper can be found at link 
Shell Nix Box
Style GSM 
Wallpaper GSM Pattern Wall by biftek (darkened) 

iTiVO Looking at this makes me totally want to have Ubuntu installed and Fluxbox running. I am just afraid it's too different ~LoL~ Great overall theme!
entertainer What are you using for that upper status bar and what terminal and file manager is that? :)
lyrae The top bar is conky. The terminal is xfce terminal and the file manager is Thunar. :)
lexs dare to share your conky conf?
cthu1hu Everything you're doing is fricken awesome.
lyrae Thanks, cthu1hu :)
TenPlus1 Most excellent desktop... If ya don't mind me asking, was it easy to setup ? Fluxbox, the bar, the menu, startup progs/services ???

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