User |
Pitkon |
Notes |
OK, this is the final product, submitted at deviantArt with bbinterface, wall, icons, 3dcc, plugins, BBLean1.16z (thanx, Zeytok) etc etc. I submit the style file here as well. Get the full (2MB) package from link |
Shell |
Style |
Techno Dream by Pitkon (http://pitkon.deviantart.com, http://pitkon.skinbase.org, http://boxshots.com/index.php?acti |
Wallpaper |
Techno Dream by vortex |
Wow, simply amazing, Pitkon. You consistently produce amazing styles that explore the wondrous possibilities of the bb4win branches. |
Thanx so much, Mal, you honor me. I am just trying... |
I can say just... WOW ;) |
bulky, but nicely done, Pete. |
You the man with BBInterface Pete. Most superb! Nice style too. |
Thanx, guys! Jimmy: I like what you say :D Will: I love bulky, as you very well know. Minimalism was never my forte :D Clark: Thanx so much, my friend :) |