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Gnome Windows :: francesco User francesco
I will make a tutorial on my site soon...
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Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style GNOME by dgen
Wallpaper Stone 

jimmy A tutorial about what? You are italian I guess... me too.
snkmchnb although i applaud your work, why do people try to make an interface with "bb" to look like other GNOME/KDE/XFCE? to me that's just kinda funny... seems like litestep would be the shell to use for that sorta thing.
dpcdpc11 nice setup dude... to much transparency for me, but i like it! but like snkmchb said... why should u make a desktop look alike other GUI when you can make so many original setups using bb! but everyone has its own taste so i cant comment on that!
echelon89 @jimmy si,sono italiano!:D realizzerò il tutorial perchè ho sentito che molti vogliono creare GUI Linux-like... @snkmchnb & dpcdpc11: because I love linux and I wanto to have it also when I use winzozz... ;)
jimmy Dai un'occhiata qui allora, l'ho creato qualche tempo fa link
echelon89 ah,è tuo?grande!ci sono stato! devo dire che è fatto proprio bene... anche come stile e tutto il resto...complimentoni!
Nightbreed Litestep is a good platform for these types of themes, but bb is lighter. If bbi can handle this sort of customization, then why not use it? People porting various Linux interfaces mainly do it because, Gnome has a nice look to it. XFCE is very functional and etc on the rest. Myself, I do it because I use linux and it helps keep a balanced use between windows and linux.
Nightbreed I would like to add though, don't forget about bbi's ability to handle variables. Mainly for the colors of objects. If that's kept in mind, these types of themes could be made to use their own color theme files.

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