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BBLean Highpass Setup :: ser VI User ser VI
I did this setup with BBLean-1.16 only with the volume mod. It's my current configuration of BBLean. link
If somebody wants to help me and see if something is wrong? 
Shell BBLC\BBLean

ser VI It's an installer. Read the instructions before you install it, in the deviation description.
Nightbreed Well built theme Ser VI... A nice well balanced look. Always thought about an installer but never got around to it.
Pitkon You beat me to it, Ser... Great looking style... :nod:
ser VI Nightbreed - I used NSIS installer. All you have to do is a zip file keeping the folders organized inside of it, then using NSIS there's an option to convert a zip into an instaler. Pitkon - Thanks Pete :)
Nightbreed oh.. organized folders... I can for get that then :D... I'm going to have look into that.
ser VI I need this too :)
Nightbreed If they are actually working on some kind of gui for bbi things should get easier as far as packaging. But, it's hard as hell to package these things when they get uh "out of hand" :D
Nightbreed infact, my media controller and album art viewer is ready to go, but I have no idea how I'm going to package those to distribute... And the explanation of how to install is going to be a big pain.
dgen always too much worried about the explanation nightbreed :p the only thing they have to change is prolly the directories i guess :x ..or not? :p
Nightbreed Yeah, I'm sure people will figure out the how tos with installation. I'm always prone to just throw the whole creation of a bbi script into a tcl script anyway.. and let it do all the setting up.
ser VI If you already have BBLean installed you can choose other folder to unzip all things and then update (?) with the folder SpiderInABox (which have the all BBInterface) and then add the path to SpiderInABox.tcl to your tcl4bb.tcl. You can take only the styles if you want just this. With this I was thinking in a solution for the ones who don't have much time for working on setting up some things it doen't know. :?
ser VI :) I think my is still not good
Nightbreed what are you talking about? Your themes are great... It's just getting people to use tcl based items is hard.. If there was a blackbox COM interface, it would be a lot easier to make themes like this more "user install and use" friendly.
ser VI Nightbreed - I was talking about my english. It's hard for me to explain all this. But I like the explanation above. You can find only the styles - link

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