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tree of life :: Roots User Roots
This was a lot of work. even though it may not look it. Everything menu wise is hidden and you click on the diffrent objects on the wallpaper to bring up there menus. [the paint bucket for all my art programs, the tv for any of my media programs etc.] The alarm clock is powered by "bbdigitalex10b7" and everything else is done with BBinterface or BBicons. I think if I was to put more time in to this, I would have put some kind of winamp controller 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Treeoflife by Roots
Wallpaper Tree of Life - Justin Richards 

Nightbreed Why not put the winamp controller in the bull horn ;)
Roots Well the bull horn is for chat ;) I tend to spend most my time on msn yelling at people hahahaha anyhow yeah I may take another screenshot with all the menus out, its really spiffy. Thought it was about time I tried to do something a tad diffrent. :p
Nightbreed lol... you could always draw one of those old fashion jukeboxes and put the player there... hehe
Roots Good Idea, hmm I may do it up tonight then repost the layout.

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