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plex style2 :: Shawan User Shawan
I don't know if you like it (my sister didn't) but I had much fun playing with borders :D
You can find the wall here -> link
And if by chance you like the style you can download it with the other (i made two styles actually) here -> link 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Plex style2 

skwire Really creative. Well done.
T. Eastrup Hi Shawan.I dont understand why yuor sister dont like the style, but personally I do. the only problem I have is the link you are referroing to (style link) is that access is forbidden for me (and others presumably). So couldnt you cosider uploading both the styles in this forum or either sending them to me at the following mail: Anyway thanx in advance. Regards Eastrup
jimmy This is very well done Shawan :D
Reverend Grab the style(s) here, T. link
shawan Thanks everyone, glad you like it T.Eastrup :) And thanks for the link Reverend.
Sam I like it very much. How did you get the window buttons to be custome?
Nightbreed I really like the menus. Reminds me of a Litestep therem I saw a little bit ago. Style goes nicely with the wallpaper. Good work Shawan.
Shawan Thanks much Nightbreed and Sam :) To custome your windows button look this post - link, choose your buttons (or create it) and put it in bbleanskin folder.
hate13breeder I really like this style, however, the link to the style gives me a .rar file that doesnt apply a style. What do i do to get the style working? Is it not supposed to work with BBLean?
shawan Normally there are two .txt files inside the .rar file just unzip them in your style folder and that should work :)
cthu1hu Nice style. A little busy for me though. .style is the official extension. If you name the styles that, the extension won't show in the menu.
shawan Thanks cthu1hu I'm gonna rename them then.

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