User |
Xofia |
Notes |
Port of the Clearlooks 0.6 Black (link) visual style by hsn with permission.
Looks best with bbLean+bbLeanSkin, because xoblite doesn't like the newer bb 0.70 style syntax. Remember to enable LeanBar.tasks.drawBorder in bbLeanBar.rc. |
Shell |
Style |
Clearlooks Black TB by Xofia |
Wallpaper |
nihlistic smile |
very nice... i like it |
nice setup, clean and simple. where did you get the icons? i'm looking to freshen up my own sidebar. |
The icons are from the Tango Desktop Project . |
Thanks, Xofia. Did some detective work, found this link . It is a complete XP icon replacement package that uses Tango icons. Works great! |