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« Next | Greyish by Nightbreed | Prev »
Greyish :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
Just a soft style based off one my older ones. Almost got bbibrowser to do album covers :D 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Greyish 
Wallpaper Windows Max - XPmania 

Shawan I love this style, especially the active and inactive window and the sidebar's design.
Nightbreed Thanks much Shawan. :-]
Dragon12 Nice! Nice and clean looking. Wall looks classy. I like a wall that is simple, since I tend to cover them completely anyway. Style goes well with the wall and the buttons are defined enough not to be obtrusive. 10 points for having Tom Petty in picture =)
Nightbreed Thanks much Dragon12, Tom Petty cds always get me pulled over for I tend to start speeding for some odd reason... I always have to leave the Need4Speed sound track home when I go out ;)
ArthurDent IMHO Full Moon Fever has got to be one of the five best albums I've ever heard. Oh, and nice style BTW :D
jimmy that's cool nightbreed... I like expecially that in windows the grips and (left)buttons have the same width... IMHo it's a nice effect ;)
Nightbreed thanks Arthur, Jimmy... :D
clovemagic Really nice style. The contrast of the gradient textures is unusual. I love TP too; I've seen him in concert three times and he's on my list of people I'd invite to my "ideal dinner party."
Nightbreed Thanks Clove... :)
divertedworks hwow! simple gray style. and this is the kind of style i was looking for! nice work there! btw, can u give me a link where i can have your file browser? i knida like it! =)
Nightbreed Thanks divertedworks. The browser is here: link just go to close to the end of the thread for a more updated one.
ser VI The browser the way it is in the screenshot looks really nice. Good choice on layout. :)
Nightbreed Thanks Ser VI, I'll be uploading that browser in a bit.. I have to finish the album cover grabber that gets album covers via ;) that's almost done though...

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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