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Simple Alpha :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
I think I've finally created a bar that I really like. :D 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Simple Alpha 
Wallpaper Simple Alpha's 

Dragon12 Yea it does look pretty cool, I'd be curious on how your bar works. Style works well with the wall too. :)
Nightbreed lol Freeb0rn ... Thanks Dragon, I have another screenshot I'm putting in the forum, I'll have more room to explain it all there :)
Shawan wow this bar is really beautiful, and the style as well. I love it :)
Nightbreed Thanks Much Shawan :)
dsp_418 What about to share the style? :D
jimmy A great job... As always. Is that kind of menu in the lower left corner bbinterface? If yes, how did you write bblean vertically? Perhaps is every letter a trasparent button?
Nightbreed I'll post the style in a bit Dsp.. I totally forgot. Thanks Jimmy. To get the menu or any bbi to display that way just us \n and Text setting to top word wrap.. i.e \"programs\nblackb
ox\nstyles\" or \"b\n\b\nL\ne\
na\nn\" :)
jimmy thanks Nightbreed :)
pkt-zer0 Err... most impressive. I have a hard time figuring out where the default desktop elements start, and where BBInterface ends.
Nightbreed Thanks "err" Pkt-zer0 ... lol ...
pkt-zer0 That "err" was the product of my brain shutting down temporarily due to not being able to comprehend how this is even possible in blackbox. Yeah. Plus it's real good looking too, even if a bit Windows-y.
Nightbreed lol... With all the improvements made to bbi and combined with tcl you can almost build blackbox based mini apps and still remain lightweight on memory usage. Now that bbi scripts are easy to distribute, tcl4bb ones need to be too. DSP... I had to fix the style so it works with a regular blackbox setup.. just give me a bit to post it :)
Nightbreed lol... With all the improvements made to bbi and combined with tcl you can almost build blackbox based mini apps and still remain lightweight on memory usage. Now that bbi scripts are easy to distribute, tcl4bb ones need to be too. DSP... I had to fix the style so it works with a regular blackbox setup.. just give me a bit to post it :)
Nightbreed I have uploaded the style here: link
wladan Where can i download this wallpaper? :\
Nightbreed I think the wall paper can be found on wincustomize's site
wladan Nightbreed: please come on MSN!
wladan Nightbreed: please come on MSN!

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