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BlackboxToys :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
First, wall can be found here: link

This screenshot shows a few new toys currently being worked on. One is the button box in the middle of the screen. This is activated on a double left mouse click on the desktop. Second is the picture viewer thingy.. This is the screen produced by the screenshot producer script I'm finnishing up :D Last is the Menu box showing the warf in the open state .. hehe.. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style BlackboxToys 
Wallpaper GT3 

Dragon12 I like what you did with the buttons color. When are those plugin's U metion gonna be available?
Nightbreed Thanks Dragon... I'm trying to wait for the next release of tcl4bb.. that should extend compatibility with people who don't have the .NET framework installed.
Pitkon Very interesting, Gary. A bit Windowish to my taste, but I know this is just one of the things u can do wuth tcl... Now, I wouldn't be in a haste to release this... Spherical bbi MAY be around the corner... :D
jimmy It's very impressive Nightbreed, I like it ;)
Nightbreed Thanks all.. I'm not planning to release the bbi script Pete.. Just the tcl stuff for people to build their own. And uh.. Spherical stuff is a bit windowish too isnt it? lol.. But I cut my plugin usage down to 5... ... Thanks Jimmy
David excelent
Pitkon Spherical stuff Windowish??? :faint: Never thought of that... OK, I'm conna switch to Ciliegia, Kana's latest shell... :D
clovemagic Great style, Gary. And once again, I'm in awe of your bbi ingenuity. :-D
shawan Yes that's really great :) Tcl scripts are so nonsense for me right now, but you make me want to go further into learning it (I'm learning too many things those days, i don't know if my little brain will survive tcl)
Nightbreed Thanks David, Clove, and Shawan.. When did Kana create a shell? and where is it?... hahaha.. Shawan, once ya get ready to do tcl.. just ask questions.. :p
Nightbreed Thanks David, Clove, and Shawan.. When did Kana create a shell? and where is it?... hahaha.. Shawan, once ya get ready to do tcl.. just ask questions.. :p
Nightbreed N/M Pete, I found it
Nightbreed Very interesting shell... I have it running now.. gonna play around with it abit ... hehehe
Pitkon Was about to link u when I read this... :) Glad u found it interesting...
Nightbreed lol... thanks for the thought though... that's way too minimalistic for me... besides blackbox is still smaller memory wise

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