User |
jimmy |
Notes |
Here you can find the wallpaper... link |
Shell |
Style |
Nothing Personal |
Wallpaper |
Nothing Personal |
I like this style. However, the whitish border around the focus window kinda seems out of place. All in all however, the colors of the other elements are well done. |
I find the whitish border ok, however i don't like the gradient title fonts in the unfocused window. Although there is room for small improvements, pretty original and nice style. |
Nice there are lot of colour, I like it, especially the bbcalendar... |
Thanks Shawan =) Nightbreed I like that border :( (imho it matches with the font color) , but thanks for your critic ;) Frantic You are right, I thought the same thing one second after having uploaded the screenshot... Now It is black... |