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flcl :: Shawan User Shawan
One of my favorite anime furi culi. Haruko is the best! :)
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Shell BBLC\BBLean
Wallpaper fooly cooly 

Pitkon Pink is not the easiest color to work with, but it seems u managed to author a nice style...
Nightbreed Nice Shawan... Makes me want strawberry milk now :-p
Shawan Thanks a lot Pitkon and thanks Nightbreed too...but now you've made me thought about strawberry and I'm hungry again...*dream about good strawberry with chantilly creme* miam
Dragon12 It's pink. Looks good though. I'll have to show my sister this one.
skwire Crazy anime, neat style. Nicely done.
Shawan thanks skwirke and dragon12 :)
Nightbreed All I know is when ya break out the chantilly creme* ya have ta let me try some :P
Lord E. It's... pink. But very nice.
Shawan I don't know Nightbreed...if I let you try you're gonna eat all my chantilly creme :P but since my fridge is full of it of course we can share :)
Shawan thx very much Lord E. Looks like pink is not the favorite coulour of everyone here...
Lord E. Actually, I do like my fair share of pink. I played through most Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero (racing game for PS2) with a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III that was briiiiiiiight pink. However, it wouldn't be my first choice for my desktop. I'm more partial to the cooler side of things, at least for desktops.

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Styles © of their respective authors
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