

Styles Packs


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collusion pack :: cthu1hu User cthu1hu
Here's the set.

Let's see how the jpeg compression treats this one... 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style collusion by cthu1hu

Pitkon Looks pretty good, screenie and style!
cthu1hu Here's a better version anyway.
qwilk Yay, I loved the original green collusion, in fact I was using it when I saw this new collusion pack! :D I would've settled for a common dark grey background for all styles though, because imo what's great about them is the nice little touch of colour in an otherwise greyscale appearance, and the coloured background kind of ruins that effect. Other than that, I like them a lot!
cthu1hu Maybe you're right qwilk. The backgrounds are probably to bright too. Oh well. Glad you like them.
crowmag Congradulations! With this set, you have now surpassed NC-17 as the author with the most styles in my catalog. Great set of styles cthu1hu! BTW - where is that "not rated" dude?... must be bogarting his styles :P
wickedlester Nice set cthu1hu. hope they play well on blackbox 0.70. gonna try these right now.
Malnilion They seem to adhere to the .70 syntax well. The only problem for me was not having the fonts, a situation I've quickly remedied ;) Great style pack, cthu1hu. I especially like how the menu title looks so seemless with the menu frame. Great job, man, keep 'em coming :)
Reverend Yeah, not having the font installed really made these styles a little tedious at first, since the font it decided to use as a default was insanely tiny. But either way, remedied easily enough. Great work, cthu1hu!
circa1974 would be nice to have a link to the font used in the description what a pain
wickedlester Ya, worked on blackbox 0.70(linux) except the menu hilite. had to change "hilite" to "active". I think because color1 and color2 was used, it didn't use backwards compatability like the rest of the style, which used color and colorTo. great styles cthu1hu.
Malnilion circa1974, the problem is that the fonts are not technically free and therefore are somewhat hard to find. They are done by the same guy who did the hooge fonts (which also, consequently, are not technically free either) and I do not know if they were ever distributed for free or not. If they were, I don't think it would be illegal to redistribute them.
cthu1hu Thanks for the comments. I went ahead and appended thewayofzen's hooge font post with the kroeger fonts here . So grab them if ya want them.
ser VI Nice set
Zapf could anyone reccomend a 3dc profile for this? the windows color schemes generated by bbcolorex and bbcolor3dc dont turn out very well at all
Xiao Wow, that looks amazing.....

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
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