User |
Lord E. |
Notes |
Wallpaper can be found here . I seem to be fond of wallpapers with girls in them, for reasons that are probably obvious..
Yes, my taste in music is wonderful, I know. =p
By the way, if possible, don't call me "Lord". I know, I brought it on with the nick and all, but it's so... wierd, lol. Trivial, but hey -- that's me for you. |
Shell |
Style |
The Road Ahead by Lord Erector |
Wallpaper |
The Road Ahead by FaerieNymph |
love it, oh lord! and yes, dubbing is a must ;) |
i dont know how much my opinion matters.. but i want to make sure you know i enjoy your submissions. keep em coming!! |
Thanks muchly, guys! All opinions (good or bad) are very much appreciated and they do matter quite a bit. Thanks again. |
Beautiful style and a great wall... |
Thanx Pitkon :) |
Really like that grundgy desaturated wall and your style fits it well, E...er, Lord E. |
Thanks. Btw, most of my online buds tend to call me "LE".. |
I like this style too, relaxing to look at... great contrast with the wallpaper and style.. Reminds me of that movie twister about the tornados... |
The link to the wallpaper is broken =(
Great style. |