

Styles Packs


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siot v9.3 :: Kyoushu User Kyoushu
This is based off of a webdesign I'm doing for my website which is not up right now. The colors are the same as my site and look nice together. This is my first blackbox style and you should be expecting more from me soon. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Siot by Kyoushu

purple nice style dude..this irresistible looks like one of mine pieces..:) keep up..
NC-17 if anyone tried to download this style and it was being all funny with firefox... and now they cant download any styles anymore: 1) locate your profile directory for your firefox profile 2) edit mimeTypes.rdf and maybe downloads.rdf 3) remove the xml entries that refer to this style (search for qwilk) firefox must be closed fully before performing the edits. start firefox back up again and enjoy downloading styles.
purple thats why the Opera rocks.. everything do by herself..:) now gimme some money for advertise NC..;)
balkaster Color me confused by NC-17's comment. I'm not having any problems downloading the style or using it with Firefox. Is it a *nix thing? Or a xoblite thing? (Style's aces, btw. Love the menu bullets.)
purple yeah..the bullets are best thing..
Kyoushu Um, thanks.. But what's so good about the bullets that makes em better than everything else?
nc-17 balkaster - it wouldnt have caused any problems after my comment because i fixed it on the server side so it wouldnt happen again.
purple well i saw those bullets first time so thats the WHY i like'em mostly..i mean globaly style is really good but bullets..:)hehe
Kyoushu I just don't get what's so good about the bullets? The colors?
purple a..did u make this style?? hehe:)
Enginecamel That's what I'm saying...if he doesn't like it he can look elsewhere.
Pitkon A style with style... lol. I love this shade of orange with black. A great first style. Welcome aboard :)
Kyoushu Gonna make a new style soon based off the colors of an earlier version of my site. Siot v8.4. I may also include a 3dcc style to go with it.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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