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bbLeanSkin buttons MQ13 :: MQ User MQ
This is my P4 3GHz desktop after some heavy tweaking of bbLeanSkin's buttons.bmp :)

for more info about those buttons check my post at

• The sidebar on the right is usually on autohide.
• The "bar position"-toggle moves my bbLeanBar from top to bottom and vice versa.
• "Wall" executes the broam @BBCfg.enableBackground

I like my desktop crispy, clean and clear, and the same goes for my minimalistic website.

I hope this submission will inspire others.

Kind regards,
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Blue Curve by Jesterace 
Wallpaper 186 200 213 (RGB code) 

Pitkon One of the best sidebars I've seen. Kudos!
MQ Thanks Pitkon, that means a lot to me coming from a bbInterface wizard like yourself :) and oops.. I must have been very tired when I wrote the notes.. my taskbar is obviously powered by SystemBarEx, a recommended plugin!
clovemagic Your creative use of buttons and unique sidebar config are inspirational. Nicely done. I look forward to seeing more.
cthu1hu This totally rocks. Love your button presentation.
cthu1hu You should release some of your styles.
あ s
gaunt Verynice MQ :)

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