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« Next | xoblite bb3 - solid'n'pale by qwilk | Prev »
xoblite bb3 - solid'n'pale :: qwilk User qwilk
Well, the cat is out of the bag... :D
Shell xoblite
Style solid\'n\'pale 
Wallpaper bsetroot 

circa1974 ooooh new style syntax
qwilk ...please note the name of the song in the xobloon btw... ;)
punkboy you have just made my Holiday! Thank you!
auto =]
Pitkon A great gift for us all! The beta seemed to work just perfect, will try this to see if there iis something new/something more. Thanx, qwilk, what a great way to start 2006...
purple yes,i agree with pete,nice way to start a year..maybe we see and bblean release soon as wee:)
Pitkon OK, I posted a first comment here link
sMs is flat style possible with this new xoblite?
sMs i guess it can not...
qwilk sMs: What do you mean? Flat style? As in flat/raised/sunken? If so, of course you can, you always could...
sMs mmmm well.. i think.. that... im not sure.. but... the systembar got always a raised texture.. welll i u say i can do flat styles with xoblite.. now im interested to use it...

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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