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cthulhain :: dubox User dubox
my current desktop...e17 theme that's based on the blackbox/fluxbox style cthulhain. cthulhain theme by jason 'slackd00d' edson link, sky wallpaper by raster link theme requires e17 
Shell Nix Box
Style cthulhain by 
Wallpaper sky 

Nightbreed lol.. Nice desktop Dubox. But you know you've set yourself up for the "how'd you get icons in your menu" questions... haha....
Nightbreed I almost forgot about e17 .. I'd been running blackbox on linux so long I forget about the other projects
clovemagic This looks fantastic! And . . . well . . . uh . . . how DID you get icons in your menu? ::sorry::
Nightbreed he's using e17 in linux Clove
Reverend Wow .. that looks awesome. Making me want to figure out Linux even more, now. ~l~ Damn you, Dubox! ~fist shake~
dsp_418 BB for win (read BBlean) need this!!! I'd like to see my BBlean running with a so fancy gui look! :D
Nightbreed Grab SharpE... Another Shell for windows.. Install it, but don't set it up as your default shell.. then Just use SharpE's SharpDesk component. It'll not only give you desktop icons, but it will give you a menu system with icons. Of course there's some that will say it's not blackboxy.. lol..PETE.. j/k but this is for those who are just into the customizing thing...
Nightbreed oh.. the site's here link
qwilk link link link
circa1974 how do you edit your menus etc? when i tried e17 from cvs it wasnt configured to have the favorite apps in such a way as yours and id very much like that
dubox menus automagically generated with e17genmenu, circa1974. grab the source link
freeb0rn but... how did you get the text in your menus? =S
dubox type e17genmenu -h for options ( -g --gnome, -k --kde menu) or create ur custom menus with entangle + eap editor ;)
Malnilion Man, enlightenment sounds way too complicated :)

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