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A few calm moments with Nethack :: doctorfrog User doctorfrog
Spending a few calm moments with Nethack in these crazy last weeks of the semester. Maybe I'm just tired, but my current layout pleases me so much I can't turn the damn computer off and go to bed. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Ubuntu (previously released) 
Wallpaper bsetroot-generated 

ArthurDent I notice you're playing a monk... How's it working out for you? I've played them a lot and the farthest I've ever made it was questing after clearing the castle.. even after using up the wand of wishing I still got pummelled by Master Kaen. He's one bad dude.
NightBreed I must say the style has a certain warmth to it. I started playing the game lastnight, I'm using the windows gui version... I play around with it on my linux box a few times, but lack of time caused me to stop... but I'm glad this style was posted, reminded me to get the game again...
doctorfrog @Arthur: I utterly suck at Nethack, and the monk is no exception. I've never made it past the bottom of the Gnomish mines, and I usually do something stupid/risky to get myself killed. No Nethack master, me. However, I seem to be unable/unwilling to play with anything but a male chaotic monk. Something about the combination of unarmed combat, being a vegetarian, and gaining intrinsics is pretty appealing. I suppose I should pick an easier class. Maybe next game.
Arc Angel I don't know how I missed this style, but the previous release is broken. Any other place to grab this? ;)
doctorfrog Should be available through the search, or just visit my website at link

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
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