User |
Nightbreed |
Notes |
Here I orginaly got the image file from link and rebucketed the background black. Since I don't have the artist's permission to resubmit his or her work, I'll leave it up to anyone wishing to use the style... Peace |
Shell |
Style |
Cobra by Gary Jones |
Wallpaper |
CobraCom.jpg |
This must have been a breeze to make, using the new syntax and some wildcards, right? :D Flat, elegant, interesting. Quite different from Insidious which happens to be the random screenie I see on the right as I type these words... Breed, the multi-faceted :D |
...and knowing is half the battle...
I think I just gave away my age there. =] |
lol... thanks all... And actually Pitkon I didn't use the new style format here, I figured the dark color would never show it. But that html-kit editor did make it very easy though. And Skwire, I was actually wearing the t-shirt at the time I got the idea to do this one, so, it shows mine as well...lol |
I tried emailing Nightbreed but I must have the wrong address, I'm trying to get that font you're using ;D |
The font is located here link |
I really should check boxshots more often. |