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MacClouds :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
A mac style and a soothing background. Also to show a quick screenie of the updated BBAmp Interface soon to be released :D 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style MacClouds 
Wallpaper Clouds 

Pitkon Beautiful and soothing... I like the clever use of light blue interlace...
Nightbreed Thanks Pitkon... I'll get all this email stuff straight. I have two player scripts I want you to try out if you want. I want to bounce them off on someone before releasing them. :-D
Pitkon U can send them over anytime... :)
clovemagic Just out of curiosity, where does the color of the interlace come from? I have noticed a definite mac-ish look to your styles recently, NB. I agree with Pitkon abou the soothing feeling. It's like visiting a day spa. ;-D
Nightbreed Thanks Clove. The colors actually comes from a wall paper I have. I didn't use the wall paper in this shot though
clovemagic Actually, I was wondering where the color for the interlace is pulled from. I guess it's some degree of shading relative to the color for each element, but since I obviously don't know anything about programming, I really do not know what I'm talking about. ;D I was just wondering from a designer's point of view. Nevertheless, your style is beautiful.
Pitkon Breed, I replied to ur e-mail hrs ago. Pls tell me u got it! :D
Nightbreed Try the address I have here now pitkon.. it seems to be the only one that works
Pitkon Ok, mail resent... :D We gotta stop meeting like this... :rofl:
Nightbreed lol
sedusg Really beautiful style. Can you send me the style

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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