User |
tech10171968 |
Notes |
I was looking for some new walls today but nothing really moved me; so I came up with something simple, a default I can use when I can't decide on a wallpaper. It's nothing fancy, and it's not meant to be. Please don't ask me why I chose mustard yellow for a color because I have no earthly idea; maybe I'll use a different color next time. |
Shell |
Style |
yellow by tech10171968 |
Wallpaper |
yellow default by tech10171968 |
Mustard is nice, especially in hot dogs and in clean styles like this! |
Any way you could link us to that wall? :P
I think the only thing I'm going to alter (if alterring your styles is okay with you; I'm not going to rerelease it or anything) is the border around the menu hilite and maybe the border around the selected task. :)
Nice style, possibly a candidate for inclusion in the default bblean styles directory ;) |
Malnilion: I just emailed the wall to you. You have permission to do whatever you wish. I simply threw together something simple, but I'm honored that you and Pitkon like it. |
Thanks, for the wallpaper :) |