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Blasphemy :: Pitkon User Pitkon
Style based on the wallpaper "Astig" by Homer Yulo link with the artist's permission. The icons on the vertical wharf and the mixer's background are also extracts from the actual wallpaper. The icons on the wharf drawers are crude metals by mindless puppet. The wharf will be released separately or in a new upload as soon as I get permission from mindless puppet. The mixer is included in my sidebars, the latest of which can be found at link Get the style, the wallpaper, and the permission from link 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Blasphemy by pitkon
Wallpaper Blasphemy by Homer Yulo 

crowmag Man Pitkon, AFAIC, this is a UI masterpiece! Excellent color matching and gradient "light angle", all the elements are a perfect fit for each other. Since I started using bbIconBox, I've been needing to redo my bbInterface mixer controls and that mixer is just what the doctor ordered. Unfortunately, I have ~no~ time at present to set down and work on anything. Hell, I just bought 3 new Zoom effect pedals for my axes (504, 505, 506) and I don't even have time to play with them :(
snkmchnb i really like your mixer that you've created with bbinterface, i'm thinking about doing one myself. nice work on the style too :)
Pitkon crowmag: Thanx so much, man, glad u like it... Hmmm... Do I smell a Fender Stratocaster in there? :D snk: Thanx, my friend! BBI is just about amazing....
clovemagic Gorgeous, Pitkon! I love those "crude metals" icons. I may have to drag them out of icon storage. I'd love a look at your wharf .rc too, when you release it. All this talk of axes is making me wanna get out my bass . . .
Pitkon Thanx, clove! My wharf HAS been released - about 5 times so far... :D Just hit on the sidebar link in my comments...
Pitkon What I meant was, I haven't released the wharf with these specific icons - but u can substitute with ur own...
freeb0rn definately one of your best. Personally, I think some of the style's greys are a bit too "shiny"/bright and throw off the surrounding dark elements but it is a VERY nice style nonetheless.
crowmag Why yes, that is the smell of a Strat Pitkon... and a P Bass "Lite". How'd you guess?
Inauro Heh, i almost made a style based on this wall. Really glad i didn't now. You've eclipsed anything i could have come up with. Really nice work, Pitkon.
Pitkon freeb0rn: The "shiny" part comes from the bubbles' sparkle. I wanted that specific effect. Thanx! Crowmag: Every rocker who respects themselves get a Strat. U seem like a respectable rocker to me :D Inauro: Thanx so much, but I'd really like to see ur style. I'm sure u'd amaze us all - ur work is just perfect...
sidewinder Awesome job pitkon. I really like it!!! (",) can you tell me where can i find those icons?
Pitkon Thanx! U can do a google search for mindless puppet icons. These are crude metals. I think I got em from wincustomize.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
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