

Styles Packs


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empty :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
It was only a matter of time before i returned to xoblite. I think anyone who knows me probably knew that. Truth be told linux is pretty cool.. and i know im gonna get arguments from all the linux heads.. but honestly.. its not really all its hyped to be in the stability department.. i shouldnt have to reboot my machine every two days because a skin wont load on my media player anymore.. or because video decides its not going to playback.. or because i left town for a few days and linux is pissed cause i havent been tinkering with it non stop and left it alone a few days.
my latest blackbox for windows screenshot..
Shell xoblite
Style empty by thewayofzen
Wallpaper lightstudy_collasus_1600.jpg 

pHarciDe wow thats really nice freeakin work!
Rev Oooo... Shiny.
qwilk Wb twoz, kickass style! :D Wallpaper -> link
clovemagic Now that's metallic. The shadow behind the fonts looks fine against that shiny metal.
freeb0rn love it
pHarciDe whats the font you got going on this style, its just not displaying right at 1152x864, i had to do global font override
thewayofzen the font being used is anorexia. and the res in this picture is 1152 x 864 .. works fine here.
pharcide yea, i just need to find the font then, thx, didn't bother looking in the style :(
thewayofzen pharcide all of my styles use the artwiz fontpack for blackbox that is available at both the bblean page.. and just look for a link talking about the fontpack :)
snkmchnb you're damn right i knew! man, you know i don't have to say it but those gradients are hella nice. f*****' a, welcome back.
todeskampf just one word about the style:beautiful @ thewayofzen: What Linux flavour were you using?
Inauro Really nice work, zen. Love the soft colours.
thewayofzen thanks so much everyone
Herbalist Very nice zen. Welcome back to Windows :)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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