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back in black :: pHarciDe User pHarciDe
after going back to explorer because blackbox doesn't support "baloon tips" .. i just couldn't stay away!!! had to get back in black!

Quintessential Player 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style charcoal 
Wallpaper bliss_wall_2.jpg 

Herbalist Why do you have 2 workspace labels and 2 clocks?? Just curious.
inf3rnal can you post a link to the wall plz
pHarciDe herb, Well blean is designed really for only 1 toolbar (bblean bar) but i like the second one for window names, ect. I never edited the bblean bar to take of the time/workspace becuase if i have a window maximized i want to be able to change without a having to "restore" the current window. inf:3rnal you can get the wall at link
Herbalist I use BBLean also but I don't use leanbar I use SystemBarEX and lionk it to my toolbar...just me though...To Each Their Own :)
pharcide hey, thanks for that sysbarex, i found that it supports baloon tips!!! man i wish i knew this ealier
Herbalist Yep, no problem :)

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