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lost in the dark :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
Ok i know this wall has been used in screenshots before and well its even on the front page this minute. I feel lame for posting another screenie of it but i had a couple of requests and well.. honestly im bored and felt like posting the latest style i did. I hope you guys like it. I havent done an all black style since "precepts" and well.. everyone who knows me well knows i hate that one. Enjoy! -Zen 
Shell xoblite
Style lost in the dark by thewayofzen
Wallpaper OVER.DREAM1-0.jpg on 

thewayofzen wall should be available here link hope that helps
clovemagic Excellent work!
beloved great, my personal fav to date, 3dc is flawless and the style is cooooooolllll. you rule but you already knew that PEACE!
sameguy what are those levels above bbpager?
thewayofzen the levels above bbpager are made with binterface. the top one is for my system volume control. The bottom is a base control.. not because i love base.. but because i have a subwoofer and my neighbors whine if they hear it past 10pm .. if u have any more questions let me know.. otherwise email or msn ;) -Zen
clovemagic I keep coming back here to look at this one. beloved is right about the 3dc being flawless. The whole style is just awfully nice looking.
thewayofzen thanks for the kind words.. very much appreciated

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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